The 1st Africa Trade and Investment Summit

Ethiopia 06/06/2023
The 1st Africa Trade and Investment Summit

1st ATIS – Press – Ethiopia. 
The Africa Trade and Investment Summit was launched onTuesday, june 6th 2023 in Addis Ababa Ethiopia at skylight hotel 

The summit was attended by the Ethiopian Ministry of Trade and Regional Integration, the Ethiopian Investment Authority, the Ethiopian Ministry of Industry, the Ethiopian  Ministry of Mines, the Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Investment Center Of Africa.

This summit also was attended, Mr admassu westrn and south african bank president, Dr Amina Hersi moghe the CEO of Horyal Investment holding, Mr. Mohamed Qasim, Director general of somaliland bank and by high -ranking government officials and businessmen in the field of investment and trade from 18 African and foreign countries.



Objective of the Summit 

The summit objective is to create a platform for stakeholders from governments and businessmen to discuss existing investment and commercial opportunities and how to use them as well as discussing obstacles and challenges in establishing business in Africa and increasing their share in global markets.



Some Speeches from high-level keynote speakers

The state minister of Industry Ministry of ethiopia, H.E Hassan Mohamed, explained that the summit aims to "expand trade and investment and search for new opportunities for Ethiopians and foreign investors."
Adding that Ethiopia is the appropriate place to host the summit, as "the government has committed to attracting more foreign investments and setting great facilities for entrepreneurship in it, as Ethiopia has many investment attractions from the availability of manpower and a large market and an economic growth rate of more than 8 %.
For his part. 



The State Minister of Trade and Regional Integration, H.E Endalow Says the procedures carried out by the government, to facilitate the work of investors in Ethiopia to use technology in providing services, promoting investment, building industrial areas, and encouraging the private sector, foreign investors and others.



The Chairman & CEO  of the Investment Center Of Africa, stated that "this this is the 1th Africa Trade and Investment Summit hosted by the Investment Center Of Africa, which is an important platform and source for innovations and new business and investment opportunities and exchange of information and ideas,  its also International gathering for market information shared by the  international and regional experts and discussing how to take advantage of the opportunities available between  African companies and foreign businesses and investors .

We are the platform of the Investment Center of Africa. with the aim of promotes investments and trade within Africa and globally. and to enable businesses, professionals, exporters, start-ups and investors to connect, partner, and exchange trade and investment opportunities and collaborations and to contribute long-term sustainable socio - economic development and job creation across the African continent.  

In view of that : When we launched the Africa Trade and Investment Summit, we aimed to create an active, open and strong business environment that contributes to linking government sectors, the private sector, multinational companies and financial institutions to form strong economic partnerships and exchange experiences and information to take advantage of the opportunities available to


Outcome of the summit 
A- Cooperation and compatibility with some companies
B- Established new links between Ethiopian companies and companies of foreign participants
C- Provided important presentations and speeches regarding investment regulations in Ethiopia